Africa Seminar: Reflections on the Arts of Northern Nigeria

Shameless self-promotion, well, kinda … shameless promotion of the kinda stuff I’m interested in:

The Centre of African Studies, University of London

Africa Seminar

Dr David Heathcote: Reflections on the Arts of Northern Nigeria

Chaired by Dr Charles Gore (SOAS) and comments by: Katrin Schulze, PhD (SOAS)

Trained as an artist in Canterbury and sub­sequently at the Slade School of Art, David Heathcote taught in Southern Rhodesia from1960 onwards and then in Nigeria at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1967-1979, before returning to the United Kingdom to practise and teach art. His most recent solo exhibition was in 2011 at the GV Art Gallery, Chiltern Street, London.

During his time in northern Nigeria he exten­sively researched Hausa arts and published articles on African art (among others). His seminal book, The Arts of the Hausa (1976), accompanied his Commonwealth Exhibition on the same theme

Followed by reception

Thurs 9 June 2011, 5pm-7pm

School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street/Russel Square, Brunei Gallery Room B101


  1. @ Bradly, if you're in London at all do come along on Thursday - I've read David Heathcote's thesis and heard him speaking before, he's quite a source!


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