Hausa Home Video Resource Centre Project: Making Research on Hausa Films Available Online

Carmen just made me aware of this project of the Hausa Home Video Resource centre of which she is director and I really think its one of those worth promoting. So, spread the word and assist if you can:

One of our goals here at the Hausa Home Video Resource Centre is to make as much scholarly information about Hausa films as possible available to researchers. We have created a working bibliography with a list of publications, theses, and ongoing work to assist researchers, which can be accessed at the above link. (This is still very incomplete, so we welcome contributions from and collaboration with other institutions who would like to provide us with lists of theses available at their institutions or from scholars who would like to fill in the missing holes in the publications bibliography.)

We also hope scholars will help us make their work available either as a hard copy to keep on file here at Bayero University or online at this website. We welcome book donations (to keep on file at the centre), pdf files of articles, or PhD, MA, and BA theses. We hope to provide some amount of correction to global inequalities in access to literature by providing online access to the work of those doing scholarship in Nigeria, which often is available only in an institutional library, as well as access to available research for Nigerians and others doing research in locations without access to massive libraries and expensive scholarly journal sites.

If you have possible contribution contact Carmen at hausahomevideoresource[at]


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