CFP: 4th European Conference on African Studies

… I’m supposed to finish off this proposal but … yeah, its urgently time for some procrastination, so let’s quickly post on the blog, nothing I write myself, so it won’t take long, right, but long enough to … eh, delay writing that theory section for another minute or two …

Conference Announcement

4th European Conference on African Studies, 15-18 June, 2011 in Uppsala, Sweden

Conference Theme: African Engagements: On whose terms?

In the past two decades, Africa has experienced some dramatic changes. Between 1990 and 2005, in more than 42 African countries peaceful and democratic changes of government took place through competitive multiparty elections, notwithstanding more recent setbacks in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Gabon. On the economic front, Africa emerged as one of the world’s fastest-growing regions in the wake of a boom in the international commodities market, despite the recent global financial crisis. Some African countries have put in place appropriate macroeconomic, structural and social policies that have contributed to improved growth rates and some progress towards meeting the MDGs. Significant efforts are also being made to reverse the productivity decline in agriculture and the decline in higher education and basic research in the face of equally daunting challenges including poverty, and post-conflict reconstruction and democratic consolidation. However, there are encouraging signs that the Africa Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are playing important roles with some international support in dealing with potentially disruptive national crises, such as in the Sudan, Somalia, and most recently Guinea and Niger.

Call for Papers ECAS 4

The call for panels for this conference is now closed and a list of the accepted panels and short panel descriptions can be found here.

We hereby invite all interested scholars to submit paper proposals for presentation on one of the approved ECAS 4 panels. Please submit your paper abstract (maximum 400 words or 2300 – 2400 characters, including spaces) via the link below. To submit your abstract you will first be requested to register as an official conference website user. After registration you will receive an e-mail with access confirmation and further instructions on how to submit your abstract. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.

To be accepted paper proposals need to fit into one of the approved panels. The deadline for the submission of paper abstracts is Wednesday 22 December 2010. All paper proposals will be reviewed in January 2011, and those who have submitted abstracts will be notified no later than 28 February 2011 as to whether their paper has been accepted or not.

For questions relating to papers you wish to propose to panels, please contact the panel organiser directly. Contact details of panel organisers can be found in the list of panels and above each of the panel descriptions.

For general questions concerning paper proposals, please contact the Organising Committee of ECAS 4 at: .

Each panel session will last two hours and will accommodate a maximum of four papers. If a panel attracts more than four strong and relevant paper proposals, the panel organiser may consider organising an additional session and should, in this case, consult with the Organising Committee accordingly. The decision on double sessions will be made upon request by the panel organisers, based on the number and quality of paper proposals uploaded to the panel via the abstract submission system. The issue of double panels may also be limited by time and/or space factors.

Click here to access the abstract submission system.


For the organization of ECAS 4 the Nordic Africa Institute is financially supported by some external institutions. Part of the contributions will be used for sponsoring of participation in the conference by African students and researchers based in Africa. Details on how to apply for a sponsored participation will be made available as early as possible.

ECAS 4 Conference Registration

The registration is now open! Click here to register.

Registration fees:

All conference fees are charged in SEK (Swedish Krona), including VAT. Payments should be made in advance of the conference. The corresponding fees in EUROS stated below are approximate and exchange rates may vary.

For current exchange rates, please visit

Type of registration/participation


Early registration (15 October 2010 – 15 March 2011)

SEK 1200 (EUR 130)

Standard registration (16 March 2011 – June 2011)

SEK 1500 (EUR 160)

PhD/Master students - early registration (15 October 2010 – 15 March 2011)

SEK 800 (EUR 85)

PhD/Master students - standard registration (16 March 2011 – June 2011)

SEK 950 (EUR 100)

One conference day

SEK 600 (EUR 65)

One conference day PhD/Masters students

SEK 400 (EUR 45)

Conference dinner only

SEK 500 (EUR 55)

*VAT is included in all fees.

Reduced price for PhD/Masters students will only be accepted upon verification of enrolment:
In order to register as a PhD or Masters student you should send a signed letter from the Head of your department to the following address: or by fax: +46 18 56 22 90.

Find more details here.


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