On Google-ing, Procrastination and Hilaron Wirdzeka Faison

Well, let me admit to a tendency for procrastination, a procrastination that usually consists of putting some term I have been thinking about into Google Scholar and see what comes up and if I’m really desperately in need of some more reasons for doodling around instead of writing on my chapter I sometimes also make use of Google’s websearch – which, of course, provides me with the time filling excuse of having to sift through hundreds if not thousands of hits. And, sometimes, in the course of this I come across some gems:

And here you go, a website dedicated to Cameroon-born Hilaron Wirdzeka Faison, who is not only a graduate of the Department of Creative Arts at the University of Maiduguri but also the Department of Fine Arts at ABU, Zaria ... so, yes, check out his website here.

Now somebody come and tell me there is not 'meaningful' contemporary arts coming out of northern Nigeria!


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